Our Club
Around the Course
The Club expects a high standard of attire and behavior by our members and our visitors. Members are responsible for the dress and behavior of their guests.
Bare feet, work boots, singlets, beach or rugby style shorts, and dirty or unkempt clothing are unacceptable on the course.
Any footwear worn on the course is not permitted in the clubhouse lounge area. 
In the Club House Lounge
“Tidy Casual” is the minimum standards for the Club House Lounge area
Bare feet, work boots, singlets, beach or rugby style shorts, and dirty or unkempt clothing are unacceptable in the Lounge area.
Members are responsible for the standards of their guests in the Lounge area, and need to ensure their guests are signed in.
Smoking is prohibited anywhere in the Club House. there are two areas dedicated as smoking areas outside the Club House.